Today one of Leia's friends came over. His name is Caleb. We met his parents in child birth class before they were born. Both their Daddys enjoy playing paintball. Leia and Caleb had a lot of fun playing outside, playing with Leia's toys and watching movies.
Tonight we went to a craw fish boil with our Sunday School class. Unfortunately, half way thru a Church child care worker called and said Leia was sick. So, we did not get to eat our whole meal or visit with many of our friends.
Leia is more important, of course, so we went to pick up the kids. She had an upset tummy, throwing up and a temperature. We went to the pharmacy and got her some medicine. When we got home she wanted to go straight to bed. She and Daddy will stay home from church tomorrow.
Chloe is back to normal though. She did not run another fever after last night and is back to her usual self.
Tonight we went to a craw fish boil with our Sunday School class. Unfortunately, half way thru a Church child care worker called and said Leia was sick. So, we did not get to eat our whole meal or visit with many of our friends.
Leia is more important, of course, so we went to pick up the kids. She had an upset tummy, throwing up and a temperature. We went to the pharmacy and got her some medicine. When we got home she wanted to go straight to bed. She and Daddy will stay home from church tomorrow.
Chloe is back to normal though. She did not run another fever after last night and is back to her usual self.